-The Arts Spark Creativity and Innovation
Please consider supporting Conversion Dance Project by making a donation through PayPal. Simply click on the yellow Donate logo button located in the far upper left hand corner of the screen and you will be redirected to PayPal to make your secure donation. At this time Conversion Dance Project does not have a 501c(3) non-profit status, which makes it a for profit entity. However, 100% of all donations go toward funding the various artistic and creative endeavors of Conversion Dance Project. Specifically, donations help fund the cost of theater rental fees, rented rehearsal space, payment for the dance artists, travel expenses related to performances and costumes.
In the recent past Conversion Dance Project has garnered financial support from corporate sponsors such as Duskin & Duskin CPA'S, Jo Ann Lewis Accounting, individual donors through a fundraising campaign sponsored by Indiegogo, as well as through the Maricopa Community Colleges by having original choreography commissioned by Paradise Valley Community College and Chandler-Gilbert Community College.
Thank you for your support!
Corporate Sponsor for BLEND:Phoenix Meets Houston